so bold so sweet is the relationship between various ghoul(ette)s from the band ghost - notably, aurora and cumulus, and my self-insert, cacao.
manolo pulled away when javi expressed romantic interest (being aro-spec it felt like a betrayal of expectation and injected stress into an already very stressful circumstance) but eventually warmed up to being more intimate as he learned the blessing of the unexpected and getting to define relationships on his own terms.
that said, elaborate romantic gestures aren’t their thing. they enjoy playing card games and driving together, sharing a blunt beneath the stars, and occasionally smearing walker guts on each other’s faces.
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aurora is one of the band's multi-ghouls, providing backup vocals as well as the tambourine and shaker. she's known for her sharp, high vocals, and her princess-like stage presence, and was summoned during the imperator era.
cacao is an earth ghoul alongside mountain, named after the beans on her tail and the rattly, rhythmic instruments she plays. she was summoned during the prequelle era sometime after cirrus and cumulus.